EUKHeist & [preprint] (
Code from a metatranscriptomic survey of protistan trophic strategies
- EukZoo database, an aquatic protistan protein database for meta-omics studies
Amplicon sequence analysis
- I am currently working on streamlined pipelines to determine Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) or Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) using QIIME2 or DADA2 in R for use in environmental microbial ecology.
Data management
- Keeping my R life organized details how I set up R with anaconda on my computer. Introduction to managing projects with conda environments. Includes description of R, RStudio, and IRKernel (jupyter notebooks).
Introduction to R
Generating figures from HTS tag-sequencing data - OTU or ASV table as input
Learning R with BVCN
Practical Ecology
- Resources for time-series analysis: code and analyses from A Hard Day’s Night
Introduction to tag-sequencing
Building reproducible pipeline for amplicon sequence analysis
- Implementing a snakemake workflow to make tag-sequencing pipeline more robust HERE
- Building/prepping a database for use in QIIME2