Metat analysis
1 Set up
Out of 9 million rows, we can figure out how to decrease the bulk in this file and get the size down.
Out of 9 million rows, we can figure out how to decrease the bulk in this file and get the size down.
title: "Metat analysis"
format: html
editor: visual
## Set up
load("/scratch/group/hu-lab/meta-eukomics/counts_metat_df_annot.RData", verbose = TRUE)
Out of 9 million rows, we can figure out how to decrease the bulk in this file and get the size down.
hack_df <- counts_metat_df_annot %>%
select(transcript_name = sseqid, Sample_TPM_Hu = HS039_S90, marferret_name, pr2_taxonomy, pfam_name, pfam_id)
hack_df_dedup <- hack_df %>%
write_delim(hack_df_dedup, file = "Output_dataframe_forhackathon_Hu.txt")